Austen Schwend for Virginia

37th House of Delegates District

turn virginia red

About Austen Schwend

Austen Schwend has been married 10 years to his wife Hana.  They have 3 children ranging from under 1 year old to 6 years old.
The Schwends own an engineering/manufacturing business doing contract engineering, waterjet cutting, welding and fabrication.  In his lifetime, he's worked as a mechanic, waiter, cook, Blacksburg Transit bus driver, electrician, ditch digger, R&D engineer, quality engineer, and project manager.
Austen is also building and running a small farm which at one point consisted of 60 pigs, 7 goats, 7 ducks, 30 chickens, and a small "Noah's Ark" garden for learning purposes.
Born in Houston TX, Austen's family moved to Bath County when he was 10 years old.  After college, Austen moved into rural Botetourt County where the Schwends have lived for 10 years.

Core Political Values of Austen Schwend

As a student of history, Austen Schwend knows how delicate our experiment in liberty is.  In the last 110+ years, government has grown exponentially.  With everything our ancestors have fought for hanging in the balance, it's critical that we only elect people who will actively fight for liberty so that our future generations may know greater freedom than we ever knew.