I am running for three reasons:
1) I want all generations beyond me to know more liberty than I have known.
2) I want to change the conversation and have conservative values go on the offensive instead of constantly playing defense.
3) The current incumbent has zero chance of accomplishing #1 and #2.
I don't want to run for office. I'd rather spend time on my farm with the kids collecting poop samples to look at parasites under a microscope. I'd rather spend this time showing my kids how to work on the tractor. But as we lose more and more liberty and the left slowly takes over all aspects of life, I find myself looking at my own kids and wondering if I could have done more to protect them and their precious liberty.
Across the entire history of the world, our system of government was created to preserve liberty. It is the result of thousands of years of political evolution. And yet it has become so large that the people cannot even control it. I want to play a small part in giving the control back to the people.